Sunday, February 25, 2007


When the phone started blasting the chorus of James Morrison's "This Boy", the TV was riddling the hall with sounds of bullets from "Transporter 2", so I walked to the kitchen to get a little more audibility.



...Eh. Hello? Who is this?


*wtfomgwhoisthisdude* Yeah? Hello, who is this??

Hello-Vanx, it's me!

*Vanxwtf-* Oh.Right. Kittyyyy..

The Cat is possibly the one who takes the prize for misspelling my name so..distortedly. After three months into our course, I was scrolling through his phone looking for my number. When I couldn't find it, he showed it to me. I was listed under "Vanx".

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I've joined Facebook. It's like a neater, less garish version of Friendster, except with no limit for photos.

Layan me by joining and adding me :D

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ribena Withdrawal

Hate - OMFG. What am I doing here?! I should be doing AW!

But since she bombed my topic, I've been extra selamba and extra slacker about her subject. She can go smirk and sneer all she wants in class, everybody already hates her. She's reaaaallyyy going to get horrible reviews next semester.

Hate - More assignments piling up. IMC, IDP draft all due this Friday

Hate - I keep losing out to other chicks. Granted lar, one is a hot malay chick, so I don't feel too bad about that. :D

Hate - Absolutely pretentious people keep popping up.

Love - The new creative works. I'm going to see if I can offload it on Daddy and get him to buy me an iPod instead :D

Love - Hah!! I figured out what was lagging up my phone! I deleted drafts and some other rubbish sentimental messages. I can type at my normal wpm now.

Love - CNY is around the corner. I can't wait to study for mid-sem after that. No, really.

Love - Birthdays are popping up all over the place. Another excuse to eat, talk, laugh more.

Love - Waaahhhh my sis has really nice pics! I'm gonna buy me a STRIPED SHIRT ONE DAY!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ugly Yuenny

Linda's favorite joke to date regarding me.

My sad UNLUCKY tragically funny life. Showing everyday 24/7. Very entertaining

Friday, February 02, 2007


I've been called a lot of things before; bitch, idiot, yada yada the usual. This is the first I've ever been called a whore though. Am not liking it. After an initial stage of being left to get through it in a locked bathroom seething in fury, I eventually made myself go to sleep after God knows how long. And woke up with swollen eyelids. Bloody hell.

When I was younger, I often fantasised about packing things up in my baby blanket and running away. Now I just have very strong urges to grab Jun's keys and going off anywhere. I would be a homeless Joe with a car for a bed. I'd take along my laptop and leech off Starbuck's wifi. Hah, I'd be the epitome of 21st century homeless person. One who blogs.

As if I haven't got enough on my plate for the second consecutive worst week ever, the Cat's angry at me. Admittedly I can't blame it because the cat's got an ego with a gravity pull of its own, so it probably can't handle being shouted at. But still, to call my nose a piggy nose... VERY sensitive topic. I'd apologize but I suck at apologies, especially this one because I think my reaction was warranted, if slightly over the top. Ah well, no space or emotional capacity to handle it right now.

The only good news so far : I didn't yell at Creative. I called them after a nap so I was slightly stoning. Gonna pick up the battery...sometime soon. They better not screw me over.