Saturday, March 24, 2007
Mass Colympics
Mass Colympics!!!
Paintball - Addictive, Adrenaline-inducing and AWESOME, Paintball is the closest some of us will get to war! Plus, the lecturers have their own team :D
Obstacle Course - For those less inclined to play paintball, and who prefer a more mentally challenging, less physically demanding aspect of the event. It's simple, FUN, and well. Wet. HEHEHEHE
Dodgeball - Fast, agile and crazily havoc! You've seen the movie, that's how it's done.
Goodie Bags, Freebies, Havoc time, Havoc music, Have a day off from college and hang out with your peers!
So come okay!
Friday, 30th March 2007 : 8a.m. - 12 p.m. approx
TT Sports Park, Near Sheraton Subang and Holiday Villa
Transportation Provided
Support Sem 3, PR majors!
Call Me Fairy
Agh, it's midnight and I'm becoming random. Today's outing was a total bleh, kena ffk like mad, no movie, NO SHOPPING. But got good food, booze and company. Okay laaaa
I like Guinness
I like Sheperd's Pie
I want more earrings
I like Salonplas smell
I'm becoming despo. But no emo when no thoughts
I become sleepy after I've had booze. Eeee, so malufiying
Friday, March 23, 2007
I smell old
The right shoulder has been aching a lot lately, especially in the afternoons after classes where it gets really stiff and at night when I'm using the mouse on the couch. When I'm in college, it helps that there's Linda's PokyThinFingers to rub away the pain for a bit, or Edmund's magic massage which turns me to jelly, but when I'm at home, there's only so much area my short left hand can reach, plus I'm not a very efficient self-massager. So when today's ache was too much to take, I dug out an old free sample of Salonpas, one of those medicated plasters.
So now I smell old. In a funky sorta way. But not bad. It's really heaty/cooling, I can't quite tell, but it seems to be lessening the pain slightly anyhow.
Good lord, I'm barely 19 and I'm already using old people things.
It's almost April! - Recap on New Year Resolutions.
1. Stop swearing so much. Flush down the toilet la.
2. Stop dropping and killing Zen. I have new pouch for it! Haven't dropped it since I got the new replacement. So far, So good.
3. Not trip (so much) and be unstable as before. Linda's probably laughing at this one right now...
4. OMG this should be number one - STUDY MORE CONSISTENTLY. Wth, totally forgot about this, but I'm doing okay la for assignments. Can pass safely on finals
5. Be less drama and emo. I think so yes yes, I'm so chill.
6. Be a really great friend and remember their birthdays. :D!!! We solved the mystery of Reagan's birthday this year
7. I will not hate valentines this year. Or dread it. And I didn't! I can't remember anything about it, except sms-es, a half-empty PR class, and eating McDs behind the lecture theater.
8. Don't kill the cacti. Still alive, except one.
9. Find minions, I mean, companions to join Rotaract with. No more interest. *flush*
10. Meet up with the girls a heck of a lot more before they go flying off to their tertiary institutions. I haven't seen them since CNY! And KarBear didn't even come! :(
1. Grow hair long long long. Slightly above middle of back. Not counted la.
2. Get a guy to serenade me :D Edmund was karaoke-ing in his car to emo song. Cannot remember title, but it was a serenading sort of song. If by end year this is not fulfilled, I shall cheat with this anedote
3. Hike up CGPA by Dec '07 to a 3.33 Currently have no idea what my GPA is right now. Not too bad I suppose.
4. Get. The. Car. And if any of you start making smartass comments, I'll hunt you down. So shush........shut up.
5. Master the DSLR.....Waiting for Camera Fair.
6. Upgrade shoe collection. T_T
7. Get back my reading habit by reading at least 6 new books this year. Harry Potter doesn't count. Have not read anything. Disgraceful!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Online Favorites
With the amount of time I spent with Hugh on my lap, it's a miracle I haven't developed radioactive related diseases. I estimate I spend an average of 6 hours every day during the week and 9 hours per day during the weekends. 13, If I'm not shopping or it's a paticularly boring weekend.
With all that time spent online, I've racked up a long list of favorite websites that I frequent everyday without fail.
Pink Is The New Blog - a gossip website run by Trent, a dude who has an affinity for hot pink stars, hot pink fonts, hot pink everything!
The Superficial - not very regularly updated, but the author has the most absurd comments.
Perez Hilton - I have to be honest, I'm not very fond of his style of criticizing the celebs. I feel he's a bit harsh and overly mean without much reason, overly-dramatic, hypocritical, and too much of a wannabe. Plus, his drawings (if you can call it that) are extremely crude. That said, his site is the most up to date one. Which is the only reason why I visit his site regularly.
Snippets of Life - I do not like kids. No, don't give me that look. I do not like kids. But Karen Cheng's kids are so cute and adorable and they DON'T WHACK ME WITH BALLOONS! She's a mom in Aussie and this site is like a mini journal of her kids growing up with happenings in her community on the side. A lovely side read. Like a nice salad.
PostSecret - PostSecret was featured on a music video before, I just can't remember which. It was some emo rock band video, but they had people hold up postcards of their secrets. PostSecret is like the emo site for non-emo people. Inspiring, Heart-breaking, Thought-provoking and random; PostSecret is my Sunday weekly fix. Sometimes more when I need to read something emo.
Silverfish stories - Some people will have heard of Silverfish books, the bookstore that stores an eclectic choice of books in Bangsar. They're like this independent movement that pioneers for the reading and writing culture in Malaysia. I like to read their writer's section, because the short stories show a real honest reflection of Malaysian culture with usually good plots.
Kaypopotamus - A site manned by Jenhan, a senior in my college, . The posts are usually accompanied by mind-blowing shots of everyday life. Jenhan may never know it, but I have to credit this site and the author for being one of the main reasons that led me to my passion for photography. If ever I had to recommend a blog to read for comedy, and that is thought provoking, well written and entertaining, as well as brilliant to look at, it would be this. Hands down. He's quite the accomplished comedian now, I would say, and I think he'll be HUGE ten years down the line. Maybe even sooner. Okay enough sucking up wtf.
Louis Pang - Wedding Photographer - Er. Yeah. Really la, I read this regularly even though I'm not bloody planning weddings. His photos are different la. You know when you see your auntie's cousin's daughter's brother in law punya wedding photo???? Yeah. So poser right. Not natural, hardly memorable, no moments captured.All the photos usually look like poser shots of a Bollywood scene. I think that's a big mistake many people are becoming more aware of, thank God, since more young people are getting married, and they know more of what counts during the wedding. People like Kid Chan, Louis Pang, Alvin Leong are the new IT wedding photographers, man.
Ctrl+Alt+Del - Hehe. Geek Comic!!! But it's cute la...It's like teh l33t of Simpsons.
Waiter Rant - Rantings and anecdotes of a waiter regarding his career, life, and mishaps that happen in the workplace. Makes for an entertaining read. Ever since reading this, I would like to think I've become nicer to those in the restaurant business :D
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Dead Silence
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Matter of Business 1
GAAAAHHHHH I LOVE SHOPPING! Okay, the colour theme for Mass Colympics is orange, and when the movie was postponed on Saturday, Linda and I went shopping at Cats Whiskers for orange tops. She bought one.
I bought a green top that says...
Matter of Business 3
If you ever catch me at home playing this, I'm usually muttering things like "Harvest the bloody crops idiot, pick it, PICK IT, no no come back, don't go fishing, faster finish the harvesting, little ninjits, don't obey me, throw you in the pool.. no idiot, don't swim, HARVEST dammit.."
Gone Fishing! That's a crab she's holding, btw... :D
Er. Graveyard
Kitty was the first to die. My fault because I made him open a crate that contained killer ants. Chandni, Reagan, Linda, Thomas, Tun, Edmund all died of old age. I think..
I am very close to completing the sequel already, I have all the levels. The villagers are just taking a very long time to uncover the ancient ruins. They should be done the next time I check on them.