Friday, March 23, 2007

I smell old

My grandfather used to always smell like that stuff you rub on muscles to ease sores and aches. You know, slightly minty, musty, and very medicine-like. I've since associated that smell with old people.

The right shoulder has been aching a lot lately, especially in the afternoons after classes where it gets really stiff and at night when I'm using the mouse on the couch. When I'm in college, it helps that there's Linda's PokyThinFingers to rub away the pain for a bit, or Edmund's magic massage which turns me to jelly, but when I'm at home, there's only so much area my short left hand can reach, plus I'm not a very efficient self-massager. So when today's ache was too much to take, I dug out an old free sample of Salonpas, one of those medicated plasters.

So now I smell old. In a funky sorta way. But not bad. It's really heaty/cooling, I can't quite tell, but it seems to be lessening the pain slightly anyhow.

Good lord, I'm barely 19 and I'm already using old people things.

It's almost April! - Recap on New Year Resolutions.

1. Stop swearing so much. Flush down the toilet la.
2. Stop dropping and killing Zen. I have new pouch for it! Haven't dropped it since I got the new replacement. So far, So good.
3. Not trip (so much) and be unstable as before. Linda's probably laughing at this one right now...
4. OMG this should be number one - STUDY MORE CONSISTENTLY. Wth, totally forgot about this, but I'm doing okay la for assignments. Can pass safely on finals
5. Be less drama and emo. I think so yes yes, I'm so chill.
6. Be a really great friend and remember their birthdays. :D!!! We solved the mystery of Reagan's birthday this year
7. I will not hate valentines this year. Or dread it. And I didn't! I can't remember anything about it, except sms-es, a half-empty PR class, and eating McDs behind the lecture theater.
8. Don't kill the cacti. Still alive, except one.
9. Find minions, I mean, companions to join Rotaract with. No more interest. *flush*
10. Meet up with the girls a heck of a lot more before they go flying off to their tertiary institutions. I haven't seen them since CNY! And KarBear didn't even come! :(

1. Grow hair long long long. Slightly above middle of back. Not counted la.
2. Get a guy to serenade me :D Edmund was karaoke-ing in his car to emo song. Cannot remember title, but it was a serenading sort of song. If by end year this is not fulfilled, I shall cheat with this anedote
3. Hike up CGPA by Dec '07 to a 3.33 Currently have no idea what my GPA is right now. Not too bad I suppose.
4. Get. The. Car. And if any of you start making smartass comments, I'll hunt you down. So shush........shut up.
5. Master the DSLR.....Waiting for Camera Fair.
6. Upgrade shoe collection. T_T
7. Get back my reading habit by reading at least 6 new books this year. Harry Potter doesn't count. Have not read anything. Disgraceful!

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