Wednesday, June 15, 2005

So in like

As usual, i've fallen in like. Yes, you read right, like, not the big L-O-V-E. At least i'm honest enough with myself to know the difference no? No offence, (but hey, this is the UNCENSORED version) but i've always found it a little immature that so many teens think themselves in love when they finally find a boyfriend or girlfriend. Let's just be totally and brutally honest here, not to mention most probably politically incorrect, but most of the time, the bf/gf is more like a covetted popularity award. To be fair, many couples genuinely like each other and may even have special feelings, but is it absolutely appropriate to say you're in LOVE?

Many people get their first bf/gf during their teens, and I wonder how they know they are in love, or how their respective other is 'THE ONE'. Is it that special feeling? If so, how do they know that feeling will last? Actual research shows that the feeling of euphoria fades after about three months. Hmm..

Of course, i'm not saying that they have no future! Perhaps some couples really will make it all the way.

So yes, as i was saying, I'm in like. Which is really out of the ordinary, because he's not what you would think my type of guy would be. The guys that i've kind of liked so far has been the bookish, intellectual, maybe even blur type. I know, I know.. a bit of a nerd, okay? But i think subconciously, after all these types, I've finally changed and fallen for a Bad Boy.

Yes, the Bad Boy .

The brooding silent figure in the back of the room. * weak knees*

The totally macho man so Hot you could fry and egg on him. * drool*

The guy who oozes danger and yet does things so caring it's just too sweet for words. *faints*

I know i'm in like with him because of the fact that i'm actually willing to overlook the fact that he SMOKES. It's a disgusting habit, but as long as he doesn't smoke in front of me, and eats loads of breathmints, I'm pretty okay with it. Although it would be crazy cool if he actually stopped smoking!

signing off

word of the day: emancipate - to free, especially form legal, political or social restrictions

good sentence : slaves were not emancipaed until 1863 in the United States.

bad sentence : Mariah Carey's boobs were emancipated in many of her music videos.

1 comment:

琴 Kimm said...

Emancipated boobs? WTF! Okay, anyway, Yuen Yee... is it okay if I link you on my blog? ;)