Monday, May 15, 2006

good feelings

Man, i feel good. My room is the optimum environment for blogging. Curtains closed, dim lighting, air cond on, and how to save a life as my bee in my bonnet, me fresh from a bath... plus, two whole months of holidays soon, with a great selection of movies that must be seen, and many future shopping trips.ahhhhhhhhh.. if i could bottle this feeling up right now, i would make a gajillion dollars.
Anyway, yes, two whole months of holidays! The administration just announced it today. A bit sad la two whole months, i could barely take a month of holiday after SPM before i got bored, but this time around, it shouldn't be as stagnant. muchas stuff to do
1. learn driving. hopefully soon and hopefully i get to rot through the lecture with somebody. (oi remember tau!)
2. watch x-men
3. watch da vinci
4. watch superman (maybe can persuade daddy to take us go..)
5. go to singapore
6. bring chandni to sunway lagoon
7. go out with KAF
8. chandni's bday
9. jay's bday
10. krys' bday (yes frayfan, her bday)
a pity about the movies though, because i don't watch movies alone, and friends are all in subang, or in school. na bei. i should seriously consider moving to the apartments near college. never mind..soon.. the roads of KL and Subang will have a demon. a demon that will be driving a pink that will rise above's only a matter of time..soon..
but until then, i think i will damn miss my friends la. i'll be stuck at home watching astro, growing fatter and fatter, while they are all in subang partying and mamak-ing away. why la i have to live so far. stupid lala OUG. *sulk*

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