Wednesday, June 28, 2006

weird conversations and mystery remixes


some guys just come up with the most horrible methods of pick ups. If it's not weird conversations, it's sending personal remixes and 'asking for your opinion'. Suck poo through a holey straw la! If you hardly ever talk to me, don't ask me for my opinion on something as personal as your own original remix. It's a blatant show off technique. plus, the remix sucks.

Don't ask me for my opinion about what academic choices to make if you yourself don't have any idea what you're doing right now in the first place. SPINELESS BRAINLESS WIMP! and when i give you my opinion, don't judge me for it! So what if i think you should go for something because i think it has more money in it? at least i have a stand! i have an ACTUAL OPINION. and let's see you try to go through life on sunshine and job satisfaction alone.


Jay's Brick Blog said...

Your posts are amusing you know. Almost as amusing as two squirrels playing Checkers blindfolded.

Anonymous said...

hey babe... chill chill! =0
well maybe that particular person jst wants to get close(r) to u n is jst young n inexperienced in making the right move? but yeah it's pretty annoying...