Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Girlfriends - part 2

time to continue! the girl on the far right is Chien Hwei, or Hwei for short. She's the new president and has the strangest sense of humour. who can ever forget the xxl m&m throwing incident? hahaha! she's our new Interact president, and i'm glad it's her. i can't think of anyone else in her place. She's sweet and funny and won't take any of your crap, so don't even try pissing her off. Hwei is also the cutest poser of you can catch her in the right mood. HAHA.

next to her is Zalifah, one of her debating team people. Zalifah is like your typical over-achiever. She's an experienced debator, running for head prefect and is always the 'responsible' one. HAHA. These two hang out a lot together during Lit Meetings, so i only thought it appropriate that they should be together!

Another is Lee Quin, who sits next to me in Moral. She's fun to sit with, cause she likes to tease Kareen. It's always fun to tease Kareen. ho ho ho. I can't upload Lee's photo here, but you can see check out her blog and other photos in my previous blogs. Lee is super brainy. i still remember she's always the nerdy teacher's pet ever since primary school. She's still an over achiever la. Much like Zalifah. HO HO HO!!

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