Friday, July 29, 2005

my to-do list after spm

sometimes a girl just needs some stimulation to get her through the next 4 months. and being the slightly maniacal person i am, i made a to-do list.

1. crash krys' house in hong kong. we go shopping and to disneyland.and SHOP

2. go rock-climbing! at One U. we shall go in one big fried egg ogling group.. *drool*

3. go for a movie marathon. all the movies i've missed out and the new ones opening will be at my mercy.

4. go for dance class. specifically belly dancing. HAHA

5. pack up my school books and throw them to a junior.

6. go for a terrific bash! like clubbing or something

7. bid farewell to all my friends and loely juniors, and to take a picture of the interact board, the interact cupboard, the interact dental clinic, etc..

1 comment:

Lynnylchan said...

Clubbing your head lar clubbing. You're underage. No club will let you in. And any club that does is not worth going into.
I'm past 18. Are you?