Friday, April 07, 2006

food is good

I am now eating sui kao. Or as you may know it, dumplings. they're not very good, but what do you expect from the frozen kind in the supermarket. It's also past its expiration date, (1st april) but I don't care because it's probably a conspiration to get you to throw out perfectly edible food. and because I grew up around parents who assured me that as long as froxen food remains frozen, it's still somewhat edible. and because i'm hungry, and I don't feel like eating maggi.

I don't know why i like dumplings. I like foods that are made with 'skins'. like siu mai dumplings. and popiah. and dim sum... *drool* Oh man, now i feel hungry all over again. I'm so craving for dim sum right now. But it's also not fun to eat dim sum alone, or with a tiny group. the best is to go with one heck of a huge group then you can order all sorts and kinds, and pick one from each. plus, you get a better appetite! :D

And you know what else is really good? FRIED CHICKEN. the home cooked kind, or the mass produced kind, it's all yummy.

and..and..oh heck, i'll just list 'em all down

dim sum
fried/teriyaki/black pepper/percik chicken
crabs/crustacean/anything with shells that live underwater
MEAT! i am carnivorous! rawwrrr

oh god, i'm so hungry.

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