Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Photoshop Tip - Fade

I love online tutorials. They make Photoshop fun and easy. They make ICG class fun. nyehehe.


1. Open your photo in Photoshop. If you want to crop it, circle it, whatever, do it, as long as you have a fresh cut of your photo.

2. Select Gradient. Make sure your options include selecting Radial Gradient, the teeny little icon with the circle on the top left corner of your window. Select foreground to transparent in the drop down options for editing the gradient.

3. Press 'Q'. This is a short cut to enter quick mask. Then click a point in middle of the area of the place you want to fade. Don't lift up, and continue to drag it; forming a line. So basically you will draw a line; the length of the line will be the radius of the red mask circle you draw.

4. Press 'Q' again. You'll get a smaller circle selection. Don't worry about that. Now press 'delete'. Now press CTRL + D, which is a shortcut for deselecting. TADAAAA

5. If you want a clearer radius, do the red circle over several times. The more mask layers you draw, the clearer it stays.

6. Post a comment on this post telling me what a genius I am, and how nice I am, how much you all miss me, etc. You know the drill :D

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