Saturday, December 23, 2006

Resolutions and To Achieve List for 07


1. Stop swearing so much.
2. Stop dropping and killing Zen.
3. Not trip (so much) and be unstable as before.
4. OMG this should be number one - STUDY MORE CONSISTENTLY
5. Be less drama and emo.
6. Be a really great friend and remember their birthdays.
7. I will not hate valentines this year. Or dread it.
8. Don't kill the cacti.
9. Find minions, I mean, companions to join Rotaract with.
10. Meet up with the girls a heck of a lot more before they go flying off to their tertiary institutions.

1. Grow hair long long long
2. Get a guy to serenade me :D
3. Hike up CGPA by Dec '07 to a 3.33
4. Get. The. Car. And if any of you start making smartass comments, I'll hunt you down. So shush.
5. Master the DSLR
6. Upgrade shoe collection.
7. Get back my reading habit by reading at least 6 new books this year. Harry Potter doesn't count.

Yeah, you read #5 right. It's only a matter of time and will before I make up my mind. The 400, the 350, the alpha, or Nikon? Decisions decisions decisions.

Merry Christmas all, and have a wonderful new year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who's zen??