Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rage my head off


Am having the worst luck ever! EVER! EVER!

I flick sauce onto my top when I'm having lunch.
I get barked at when I'm walking home. Twice. Fuck, now I hate dogs.
I banged into a telephone when I was coming out of the washroom.
I fell down onto the road on my ass because of a stinking dick of an ass cat.
I totally forgot about the IMC Quiz until Linda reminded me.
I don't have the fonts for my IDP newsletter.
I find out I have to make a speech. To get people to vote.
I tripped on my heel while I was taking a step back.
The CRM Quiz was a total bomb.
I blew my top off at Tun because he wasn't talking properly on the phone and later found out Chee Hang was the one who received my rant.

and now I STILL can't drive. Am waging the silent war at You-know-who. Although I wonder how long it will take before he even notices. He probably won't even notice; he's THAT blur.


Actually I've already had a go at a wasp. But it's icky. So I'll let You-know-who clean it.

This is the start of what is going to be a very violent month.

1 comment:

Lynnylchan said...

Well you can't blame dad for not letting you drive, you got your own hopes up so high. And why are there wasps at home... scared.