Friday, March 03, 2006

bad luck with my stick

I am having BAD luck with my cue stick. okay, not MY cue stick, but basically i mean i suck at pool now. I just lost all but two games today. And I played quite a few games! like... an hour before class and another hour after. Plus, i whacked Jay AGAIN UNINTENTIONALLY... the ball jumped again.. I blame it all on the cold temperature in the club. i had to take off my blazer because it was terribly constricting, and all i had on was a spag top that showed off FATS. Plus i was wearing the skirt that keeps riding up, so that adds to the coldness. So i kept missing. And when i miss near shots, i get pissed with myself. And when i get pissed with myself, i start swearing like anything. In my defence, I am very competitive. And i only swear during pool. So yes..

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