Sunday, March 19, 2006

karma is a bitch OMG


Karma is a bitch that comes back to bite you in the ass. I so swear to God. Either that or it's fate but that just makes it creepier.

I just kepoh-ed around friendster, and Bad Boy, who i used to crush on, ( still a little bit, to be truthful) as it turns out went to the same preschool as me. I was like .. *blink blink* wait a minute.. that name sounds famil- OMG!THATSTHESAMEPRESCHOOLASMINEOMGOMGOMG

As if that weren't creepy enough, it brought back (crashing) all the memories of this boy who i used to sit with in the bus back home from kindy. He was a bit chubby and serious looking, but i vaguely remember him being the boy i always sat with in the bus, even though he was in a different class. (at least i think he was in a different class, i lost my kindy picture)

But the thing that i remember the most is *kissing* him. (sort of.) Okay, not even kissing la, i was not a horny six-year old. I was a very clumsy and gawky one, if not hyper as well. What happened was on the last day of kindy, we were all lining up to go home. Then he was somewhere in the line, and I was heading towards him trying to muster up the guts to say 'bye', because although we sat together, i don't think i was comfortable enough to be friends with boys at that time so we hardly talked. So there i am, heading towards him, when i trip/get pushed and i fall forwards. towards the side of his face. And in my mind, even till today, I *kind of* ACCIDENTALLY gave him a smackeroo. In reality, maybe i hit him or knocked him unconcious (although i would have remembered THAT) but i still count my first given kiss as that particular moment. Okay not really la, but let me be in denial.

It wasn't until I learned that he was in the same kindy that it jolted me into realizing that Bad Boy and Kindy Boy look remarkably alike. I seriously think they are the same person, although there's a huge chance i could be wrong, of course. But don't you think it's freaky? If I had a picture of him in kindy, and compared it now, you could really see the similarities!!

This is like payback for all my fickleness in crushing. how sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were an irritating 6-year-old. Who had a remarkable similarity to our Lukey. Muahahaha!