Wednesday, September 13, 2006


On a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, it was definitely a 13. badddd 13.

My morning starts with me dropping my bag so it hits the steps on the bus and crashes on the road. Thankfully no major damage to Hugh or my Zen.. but it has just started.

Go to school early and sit there rot for an hour at the benches waiting for Linda. In the end, all the work we got done could have totally been accomplished even if I didn't come. Okay, fiiiine, go makan. We meet Jeff and John and Jeff just happens to remember some amusing news about J-Target and Donovan's well-meant but horribly misplaced intentions.

There I am flusterred because of what Jeff just told me about my Friendster profile being blurred/laughed/grossed out at, smsing Chandni to find out when she'd be back from her romantic getaway, when


i fall down.

on the stairs.

and my ankle gives way. SIDEWAYS

I just thank God I was wearing my pink comfy adis and not heels. My leg started to cramp up when we were walking through Pyramid. Then in the toilet it happened again.

I slipped on the hose and the SAME ANKLE WENT KAPLUNK-Y again.


Then in the Media Hub, Jay calls. I don't have my wallet, because it's with him. Nevermind. There's only seven dollars in there because i'm FLAT OUT BROKE anyway.

The ankle is *twitching* i swear. If I look closely there's this tiny jumpy nerve. And I'm in the room now, with the air cond on, so it's cold, so I have my legs tucked under a pile of heavy blankets, and when i happened to move, it totally killed my leg. It's stiff, it's twinging, and it's fat. Ankles are not supposed to do that dammit!

it's really the 13 wei. sept 13. gah.

I keep thinking about how I have to be mentally and emotionally celibate now. J-target is no longer an eligible target. There's only so much humiliation I can take. emo emo emo emo

even my playlist is against me. it's playing Ai Otsuka's daisuki da yo. Che, it means what i think it means right?!?


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