Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What is it with me and pigs


IMMW was.. was.. painful. At least I don't feel too bad for not mugging terms because the terms that I just happened to look at happened to come out :D There was a term that was listed as 'SFX'. I had no freaking clue of an idea, but obviously it kept bugging my mind.

So I thought "SFX SFX SFX sounds so familiar wan.. I know I've said it before.. where where whe-... oh wait.. Saint Francis Xavier *grins*. Cheh."

I wrote pages for my essay. It was BRILLIANT. Brilliant as in I could actually write about it la. I'm not THAT egoistic. So I felt quite happy until the invigilator announced "you have 10 minutes left". SHIT. I skipped the second part of the exam where I had to come up with a headline and a tagline for this visual of the energizer bunny playing the drum, and explain my rationale for it. I freaked okay.. Creative copywriting is not my forte. In fact, my hush hush hurried answer that I came up with is so stupid and..lame.. that.. it's an embarassment to lameness itself. I post it here because..because.. I am finally at peace with my lameness, I figure that it would make for a nice mid exam break, and also because I know you all won't make fun of me yes? OMG when did I fall and hit my head.

"Pigs will fly when the bunny stops playing"



and I'm sure Linda will have something to say about *that*.

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